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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Have no fear, I have not been abducted by aliens.....

I know I have been slipping. I was gone all last week and it has been really hard to get back into the swing of things this week (hello, a week without kids or having to cook or clean is soooooo hard to get over). Anyways, I will be back in full blogger form tomorrow at which point you can expect a full report on my trip and how good, or should I say bad (gulp!), I was. Tata for now!!!! Ciao!


sandy said...

yay! you're back! woo hoo!

Chubby Chick said...

I've only recently discovered your blog, and I'm glad you're back! I've been anxious for a new post! hehe :)

Naturally Blessed said...

happy to see that you have not died or anything....i was growing quite concerned.

Sunny said...

Come on girl - - get back in here and give us a report! I'm back from vacation now too and it's time to get back on track. I miss you!

Sunny said...

Hello??? You said you'd be back tomorrow....I'm patiently waiting (or maybe not so patiently). Hope to see you soon!

Askazombiehousewife said...

Hope you enjoyed your vacation.
I also married the most wonderful guy "for me"

Sunny said...

Evita!!! COME BACKKKKK!!!!!!!

Naturally Blessed said...

where are you??? there are cobwebs and spiders all over this blog. dang! get it together!!!